

Open Sans

Noto Sans

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Great Vibes

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Indie Flower


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Noto Serif

Open Sans







Our Services

Level Up Your Leaders and Business Together

What if you could learn not only how to be a more compassionate, self-aware people leader...

But also understand if you are making the right decisions, in the right way, at the right time for the part of the business you run?

Using a "new to the world," multi-dimensional assessment that leverages data, analytics and insights, you can!

And you can measure the change over time -leaders can see whether their efforts to focus and improve on the few critical attributes - are evident in 3 months, 6 months or a year later.

People Leadership


Organizational Intelligence


Modern Leadership

View Organizational Health

We can visually map how well your long, mid, and short-term plans are being operationalized. 

You can see whether your leaders are overly focused on putting out short-term fires, as opposed to giving time, attention and resources to building the strategic future.  

You can gain visibility to misalignments and areas of poor engagement across the company.

We can help you understand how much leadership capacity and capability you have to determine how fast and far you can go.

Predict and Mitigate Risks

We can leverage your own company's data to help you identify & assess hidden risks for things like:

Innovation. Are you trying to turn the ship by adding new businesses, services, models, or products? We can help you determine the rate of change that's possible with your current capabilities and capacity, helping uncover where you may need to reallocate or hire for certain skillsets.

Attrition. We can help predict which employees are at risk and provide insights into what they personally care about so you can retain talent.

Transformation. Every business is continuously going through change or transformation. We can help you predict the likely rate of success or failure of any such effort...with a roadmap to get your company on track.

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Mel is a leadership coach with terrific range – she can help any leader grow from first time supervisor to C-suite Executive. I found Mel's insight and ability to see trends in a 360 review and in our interviews to be powerful in helping my leadership growth. Her advice was personal and particular to me - not boiler plate platitudes. If you are a leader who is stuck, or a leader who wants to continue honing already strong leadership skill, Mel can help.

Paul W.

Plant Manager, Schreiber Foods

Schedule a free 30 minute conversation.

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